Learn how coaches can effectively discuss menstrual cycles with athletes, enhancing training inclusivity and performance. A guide for creating open dialogues.

In the realm of sports and fitness, a crucial aspect of an athlete's life often lurks in the shadows of discomfort and misunderstanding: the menstrual cycle.

Historically seen as a taboo subject, it's high time that menstrual health becomes an integral part of the athletic dialogue. For coaches especially, understanding and openly discussing menstrual cycles isn’t just about fostering inclusivity; it's about harnessing a deeper knowledge of female physiology to enhance training and performance. At Wild.AI, we know it can be an uncomfortable conversation, especially for those who don’t feel educated on the subject or are worried about coming across the wrong way.

This blog post is dedicated to coaches and personal trainers at all levels who strive to provide holistic and informed guidance to their athletes. We will delve into why coaches and personal trainers of all genders and levels must discuss menstrual health openly.

By the end of this post, you'll understand the physiological impacts of the menstrual cycle, how to tailor training accordingly, and the best ways to approach these conversations.

Let’s break the barriers and make menstrual health an open, integral part of fitness coaching. Welcome to a new era in sports training, where understanding the menstrual cycle is not a stigma but a strength.

Understanding the Basics of the Menstrual Cycle

Before delving into how to discuss the menstrual cycle with athletes, it's crucial for coaches to grasp the basics.

The menstrual cycle is more than just the period; it's a cycle that often last between 21 and 37 days, but can be longer or shorter (1). In fact, the cycle has five distinct phases, each accompanied by physiological and hormonal changes that can influence an athlete’s training and performance.

  1. Early Follicular Phase (Menstruation): This phase marks the beginning of the cycle, commonly known as the period. It typically lasts between 3 to 7 days. Periods can be longer or unpredictable, especially in the case of endometriosis and other chronic illnesses. During this time, levels of estrogen and progesterone are low, which might lead to lower energy levels (1). Some athletes might experience cramps, bloating, and general discomfort, impacting their training intensity. Every menstruating person has varying experiences and symptoms during their period. In addition, birth control and overtraining can interrupt or stop this phase completely.
  2. Mid Follicular Phase: Following menstruation, the body prepares for ovulation. Estrogen levels start to rise (1), often boosting energy, mood, and pain tolerance. This phase can be an opportune time for high-intensity training and strength building (2).
  3. Ovulation: Ovulation occurs mid-cycle, marked by the release of an egg from the ovaries. Estrogen peaks just before ovulation (1), and testosterone levels also rise, potentially enhancing strength and power. However, some women may experience ovulation pain or heightened injury risk due to ligament laxity during this time (3).
  4. Mid-Luteal Phase: Post-ovulation, the body prepares for a potential pregnancy (1). Progesterone rises, often increasing core body temperature and possibly affecting endurance performance. Athletes might also experience changes in mood and energy levels (4).
  5. Late Luteal Phase (Pre-Menstrual): If pregnancy does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels drop (1). This phase is often associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which can include symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and decreased pain tolerance. Training might need to be adjusted to accommodate these changes.

Understanding these phases is crucial for coaches to tailor training programs that align with their athletes’ menstrual cycles. By syncing training with these physiological changes, coaches can optimize performance, reduce injury risk, and support overall health.

Why It's Crucial for Coaches to Be Informed

Understanding menstrual health is not just an added advantage; it's a necessity in modern coaching. Menstrual health directly impacts an athlete's physical and mental state, influencing everything from muscle strength to pain tolerance, endurance, and even injury risk. Here's why coaches need to be well-informed:

  • Enhanced Performance Management: Different phases of the menstrual cycle offer varying levels of physical capabilities. For instance, some athletes might find they can push harder and recover better during the mid follicular phase (2). Being aware of these nuances allows coaches to tailor training schedules for optimum performance.
  • Injury Prevention: Certain phases, like the ovulatory phase, can increase the risk of injuries due to hormonal fluctuations affecting ligaments and muscles (3). Coaches aware of these risks can modify training regimens to prevent injuries.
  • Psychological Support: The menstrual cycle can significantly affect an athlete's mood and mental health. Coaches who understand these changes can provide better psychological support and motivation, tailoring their approach to each athlete's needs.
  • Breaking Down Taboos: Coaches talking openly about menstrual health can help normalize the conversation, making it easier for athletes to communicate their needs and concerns.

This knowledge isn't just for female coaches or athletes. Coaches of all genders should be equipped to support their athletes, fostering an inclusive and understanding training environment.

Creating a Comfortable Environment for Discussion

Discussing menstrual health in a sports setting can be challenging, but creating a comfortable and open environment is key. Here’s how coaches can approach the topic:

  • Start the Conversation: It's often up to the coach to initiate this dialogue. This can be done in one-on-one settings, ensuring privacy and comfort, or in group settings, to normalize the conversation. Coaches might say, "I understand that menstrual cycles can impact training and performance. If you ever feel that it's affecting you, I'm here to discuss and adjust your training plan accordingly."
  • Educate and Inform: Coaches should educate themselves and then their athletes. Providing educational resources or organizing workshops can demystify menstrual health and encourage open discussions.
  • Use Inclusive Language: Be mindful of language. Avoid making assumptions about how the menstrual cycle affects an individual. Phrases like "some athletes might experience..." can be inclusive and non-assumptive.
  • Respect Privacy: Always maintain confidentiality. If an athlete shares information about their menstrual cycle, it should not be disclosed to others without consent.
  • Encourage Feedback: Create a culture where athletes feel comfortable giving feedback about how their cycle affects their training. This feedback can be invaluable in tailoring training plans.
  • Lead by Example: Coaches who speak openly and without embarrassment set a tone for their athletes. This can be especially powerful coming from male coaches, as it demonstrates understanding and inclusivity.

By fostering open communication and a supportive environment, coaches can ensure that all athletes feel comfortable discussing how their menstrual cycle affects their training and performance.

Tailoring Training According to the Menstrual Cycle

Adapting training plans to align with the menstrual cycle can significantly enhance an athlete's performance and well-being. Here’s how coaches can implement cycle-based training:

  • Early and Mid Follicular Phase: With estrogen levels on the rise, this is often a time of increased strength and energy. Coaches can capitalize on this by focusing on high-intensity workouts, strength training, and skill development.
  • Ovulation: While some athletes may feel at their peak, the risk of injury can be higher due to ligament laxity. Coaches should be mindful of this and perhaps moderate high-impact or risky maneuvers during this phase.
  • Mid and Late Luteal Phase: As progesterone rises and energy levels may wane, coaches can shift the focus to recovery and technique. This can include lower intensity endurance training, flexibility work, and mental strategy training.
  • Individual Variability: It's crucial to remember that each athlete’s experience of their cycle is unique. Coaches should maintain open lines of communication, allowing athletes to provide feedback on how they feel during different phases.
  • Use of Technology: Apps like Wild.AI offer a sophisticated way to track menstrual cycles and their impact on training. Encouraging athletes to use such tools can provide valuable data to further tailor training plans.

Nutritional Considerations and Supplements

Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing an athlete's performance throughout their menstrual cycle. Here are some considerations for coaches:

  • Early Follicular Phase: Focus on iron-rich foods to compensate for blood loss during menstruation. Foods like lean meats, beans, and leafy greens are excellent choices.
  • Mid to Late Follicular Phase: As energy levels rise, ensure a balanced diet with a good mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support increased training intensity.
  • Ovulation: Calcium and magnesium can help mitigate any ovulation-related discomfort. Dairy products, nuts, and seeds are great sources.
  • Mid and Late Luteal Phase: Bloating and water retention are common, so emphasize foods high in potassium like bananas and sweet potatoes. Managing carbohydrate intake can also help with energy regulation.
  • Supplements: Depending on the athlete’s diet and specific needs, supplements like iron, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial. However, coaches should recommend that athletes consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is vital throughout the cycle, especially if the athlete experiences increased sweating in the luteal phase.

By understanding and integrating these nutritional aspects into an athlete’s regimen, coaches can help manage menstrual symptoms and enhance overall performance.

The Wild.AI store can help athletes get the additional supplements they need to keep their body happy and healthy.

Practical Tips for Coaches

Implementing the knowledge about menstrual cycles into coaching requires tact, sensitivity, and practical skills. Here are some tips for coaches:

  • Initiating Conversations: Start with general discussions about how physical health impacts training. Gradually introduce menstrual health as part of this broader conversation. Example: “We’ve discussed how nutrition and sleep affect your training. Another important aspect is your menstrual cycle. How do you feel it impacts your training?”
  • Language and Tone: Use clear, respectful, and non-judgmental language. Avoid euphemisms that can trivialize the experience. Be factual yet empathetic.
  • Using Humor and Anecdotes: Appropriately used humor can lighten the atmosphere. Sharing anecdotes, especially from elite athletes who openly discuss their menstrual health, can also be inspiring.
  • Incorporate it into Routine Check-ins: Make discussions about menstrual health a regular part of training check-ins. This normalizes the conversation and makes it less of a ‘special topic.’
  • Educate Continuously: Keep updating your knowledge about menstrual health and share this information with your team. This demonstrates your commitment to understanding their needs.

Integrating Technology: The Wild.AI Coach Dashboard

In today's tech-savvy world, harnessing the power of innovative tools can significantly enhance the coaching experience. One such tool is the Wild.AI coach dashboard, a game-changer in menstrual health management for sports teams and personal trainers. This cutting-edge platform offers a nuanced, detailed view of an athlete's menstrual cycle, providing coaches with invaluable insights to tailor training and communication.

Key Features of the Wild.AI Coach Dashboard

  • Menstrual Stage Breakdown: One of the standout features of the Wild.AI dashboard is its ability to split out the menstrual stages. Coaches can see at a glance where each athlete is in their cycle, be it the early follicular phase, ovulation, or the late luteal phase. This information is crucial for understanding potential physical and emotional states, allowing coaches to adapt training programs to each phase's unique demands.
  • Personalized Notifications: The dashboard lets coaches send personalized notifications to their athletes. These can be reminders for check-ins, motivational messages, or tailored advice based on the athlete's current menstrual phase. This feature is particularly beneficial for coaches who wish to maintain open lines of communication without having direct conversations about menstrual health, which some athletes may prefer.

Benefits of Using the Wild.AI Coach Dashboard

  1. Enhanced Understanding: By having detailed insights into each athlete's menstrual cycle, coaches can plan more effective and personalized training sessions. This understanding helps in optimizing performance while also being mindful of health and well-being.
  2. Non-Invasive Communication: The ability to send notifications directly through the app provides a non-invasive method of communication. It offers a way for coaches to stay connected and supportive, respecting the athlete's privacy and comfort level in discussing menstrual health.
  3. Proactive Approach: The dashboard enables coaches to proactively address potential issues related to the menstrual cycle. By anticipating changes in performance, recovery needs, and emotional states, coaches can adjust training plans accordingly, potentially reducing injury risks and enhancing overall performance.
  4. Building Trust: Utilizing a tool like the Wild.AI dashboard demonstrates a coach’s commitment to understanding and supporting their athletes' unique physiological needs. This commitment can significantly build trust and strengthen the athlete-coach relationship.
  5. Educational Tool: Beyond just tracking, the dashboard serves as an educational tool for both coaches and athletes. It encourages a deeper understanding of how the menstrual cycle affects athletic performance, fostering a culture of knowledge and awareness.

In conclusion, the Wild.AI coach dashboard is more than just a tracking tool; it’s an integral part of a modern, informed, and sensitive coaching approach. By leveraging technology, coaches can navigate the complexities of menstrual health with ease, making it an empowering aspect of athletic training rather than a challenge to overcome.

Resources and Continuing Education

To further empower coaches and athletes, here is a list of resources:

  1. Educational Websites and Articles: Websites like the Female Athlete Triad Coalition and articles from sports nutritionists and physiologists.
  2. Workshops and Webinars: Look out for workshops by sports organizations or women’s health groups focusing on menstrual health in athletes.
  3. Books and Journals: Books such as “Roar” by Dr. Stacy Sims provide in-depth insights into female physiology in sports.
  4. Apps and Technology: Encourage the use of apps like Wild.AI for tracking menstrual cycles and its impact on training.
  5. The Wild.AI Coach Academy: Our course can guide coaches through the science of menstrual cycles and why tracking is important, as well as how to have conversations with coaches in a safe and comfortable way.


The menstrual cycle is a crucial aspect of female physiology that has a significant impact on athletic performance. Coaches who understand and openly discuss menstrual health not only enhance their athletes' performance but also contribute to a more inclusive and supportive sporting environment. By being informed, creating comfortable spaces for discussion, tailoring training, and considering nutritional needs, coaches can positively influence their athletes’ sporting journey. Let’s break the silence around menstrual health in sports and embrace it as a vital part of athlete development.


  1. Schmalenberger, K. M., Tauseef, H. A., Barone, J. C., Owens, S. A., Lieberman, L., Jarczok, M. N., Girdler, S. S., Kiesner, J., Ditzen, B., & Eisenlohr-Moul, T. A. (2021). How to study the menstrual cycle: Practical tools and recommendations. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 123, 104895. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104895

  2. Sung, E., Han, A., Hinrichs, T., Vorgerd, M., Manchado, C., & Platen, P. (2014). Effects of follicular versus luteal phase-based strength training in young women. SpringerPlus, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-1801-3-668

  3. Maruyama, S., Yamazaki, T., Sato, Y., Suzuki, Y., Shimizu, S., Ikezu, M., Kaneko, F., Matsuzawa, K., Hirabayashi, R., & Edama, M. (2021). Relationship between anterior knee laxity and general joint laxity during the menstrual cycle. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 9(3), 232596712199304. https://doi.org/10.1177/2325967121993045

  4. Hromatko, I., & Mikac, U. (2023). A mid-cycle rise in positive and drop in negative moods among healthy young women: A pilot study. Brain Sciences, 13(1), 105. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13010105